Monday, October 29, 2012

Writing cover letters and possibly editing resume | Academic Writing ...


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Friday, October 26, 2012

What Are My Debt Relief Options? ? Get Out Of Debt, Consolidation ...

With so many people finding themselves in credit trouble in today?s society, the debt relief industry is flourishing.? Scores of different companies offer many different options to help people just like you regain their financial freedom and leave debt behind.

Not every option is ideal for every person, but here are a handful of the more common ones.

Even though bankruptcy is typically a ?last resort? kind of option, it is an option and it will certainly relieve your debts.? When you file for bankruptcy, all of your unsecured debts will be wiped away and you can start over from scratch.

The unfortunate part is that you will no longer have a credit history at all, you may have to give up some of your possessions and the record of filing might follow you around for several years.?

Consumer Proposal
A consumer proposal is a debt relief option where a trustee works with each of your creditors to come up with a deal for you to pay off a percentage of what you owe.? If the majority of creditors accept this proposal, it becomes a legally binding process that all parties are bound by.? You make your monthly payments to the trustee and the trustee pays the creditors.

When you?re finished you are marked as paid in full, but your credit rating will be affected for a while moving forward.? The reason that creditors accept this type of deal is because they don?t want you to file for bankruptcy, as they will get nothing.

Consolidation is a common debt relief option that a lot of people pursue.? Basically, you will take out a loan that incorporates all of your different debts into one.? Then, you can stop making multiple payments each month and dealing with multiple creditors and just focus on one.

With consolidation, you?ll probably have to close up all or most of those other credit avenues so you don?t start the problem all over again.

Credit Counselling
Credit counselling services like the ones provided by CCSAC, may end up giving you the broadest selection of choices when it comes to debt relief.? In the end, you might opt for consolidation or even bankruptcy, but there won?t be a sales person trying to push a particular product.

A counsellor will sit with you and review your financial situation, then advise you on the best ways to turn it around.? Of course, real counselling has to include tips and techniques on how to manage your finances in the future so the same thing doesn?t happen again.? It?s definitely a process, but? well worth it in the end.

Tags: debt management, debt reduction, education, tips


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Business investment stalls as "fiscal cliff" looms

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Business investment showed signs of stalling in September, an indication that worries over a possible sharp tightening in the federal budget are already weighing on the economy.

Other data on Thursday showed the number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits fell last week, a fresh sign the labor market is slowly healing.

New orders for capital goods outside of defense and excluding aircraft -- a proxy for business spending plans -- was unchanged last month at $60.3 billion, Commerce Department data showed. Analysts polled by Reuters had expected a modest gain.

The reading highlighted concerns that companies are holding back investments due to fears the U.S. Congress could fail to avert sharp tax hikes and spending cuts in 2013, which threaten to send the country back into recession.

"The slowdown in business fixed investment during the second half of the year is even more pronounced than feared," said Harm Bandholz, an economist at UniCredit in New York.

Shipments of non-defense capital goods other than aircraft, which go into the government's estimates for economic growth, fell for the third straight month. As a result, JPMorgan lowered its estimate for third-quarter economic growth by two tenths of a point to a 1.6 percent annual rate.

The investment readings were part of a larger report that showed orders for long-lasting factory goods last month posted their biggest gain since January 2010. However, the rise was fueled by a spike in volatile aircraft orders and failed to make up ground lost in August.

Manufacturing has been a major driver of the recovery from America's 2007-09 recession, but now is beset by softer demand at home and abroad. The European debt crisis has suppressed orders at factories around the world, from China to the United States and Latin America.


The U.S. economy remains hobbled by a persistently high jobless rate. Incomes have stagnated and many families are awash in debts taken on during a housing bubble in the last decade.

Recently, however, the economy has shown a few positive signals, with the unemployment rate falling to 7.8 percent and retail sales picking up. Consumer spirits also have brightened.

Those signs of improvement appear to have done little to bolster President Barack Obama's bid for a second term, and there is only one more reading on U.S. unemployment before the November 6 election.

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday warned about the weakness in business investment, which has contrasted with brighter economic signals from household spending.

Even though businesses are ratcheting back spending plans, the factory sector still appears to be expanding slowly.

New orders for durable goods -- items like toasters and refrigerators that are meant to last three years or more -- rose a higher-than-expected 9.9 percent, partially reversing August's sharp loss.

Excluding transportation, orders rose a more modest 2 percent. Boeing received 143 orders in September, up from just one in August, according to information on the plane maker's website.


Separately, the Labor Department said initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 23,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 369,000.

A Labor Department analyst said all states submitted data for the report and that there was nothing unusual in the raw data. The analyst said the data showed no signs of the factors that had appeared to generate sharp swings in the claims reading over the prior two weeks.

The four-week moving average for jobless claims, which smoothes out such volatility, rose 1,500 to a 368,000. Economists generally think a reading below 400,000 points to an increase in employment, with hiring likely outpacing layoffs.

The report gave investors a clearer picture that the labor market is slowly healing after the big fluctuations in the claims data earlier in the month.

U.S. stock prices rose, helped by a report that pointed to a pickup in Chinese factory output during the last three months of the year. Prices for U.S. government debt pared losses following the U.S. data.

A third report on Thursday showed contracts to buy previously owned U.S. homes rose far less than expected in September, although the data continued to point to an improving tone in the housing market.

The National Association of Realtors said its Pending Home Sales Index, based on contracts signed in September, gained 0.3 percent to 99.5.

(Additional reporting by Leah Schnurr in New York and Lucia Mutikani in Washington; Editing by Andrea Ricci)


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German politician blasts 'state education monopoly,' speaks out

This is a syndicated post from Latest Headlines. [Read the original article...]

by Peter Baklinski BERLIN, October 25, 2012, ( ? A high ranking political figure in Germany has slammed the country?s education laws for ?usurping? children and ignoring the role of parents in a child?s education. ?Today I observe a total usurpation of children by school,? said Norbert Blum,? (10)


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Commercial Real Estate Buying Or Selling Can Be Easy By ...

Many times there is even a greater chance for consistent profit in commercial real estate over residential investments. Finding appropriate commercial real estate opportunities is more challenging than finding residential opportunities. These tips will help you decipher the variables so that you make good real estate decisions.

Location, location, location is important to consider. Consider how the neighborhood will affect business. Look at similar neighborhoods to determine the likely growth trends over time for your property?s neighborhood. If you make an investment in real estate, it is in your best interest to ensure that your property is in an area that will still be growing in five to ten years.

Take a good look at the property?s surroundings. You are ultimately responsible for disposing of environmental waste from your building. Perhaps you are looking at property located in a flood plain. Be sure to consider this issue very carefully. Call some agencies that assess the enviornment and find out what is up with the area your property is in.

TIP! Investors of commercial properties should be mindful that the specter of massive inflation always looms on the horizon of the coming years. Investors in the past were protected by a clause that was built into any agreement that adjusted for inflation using Consumer Price Index comparisons.

Pro Forma

You have to ensure that the terms on rent roll and pro forma match up. Failing to review the terms might cause you to encounter a term not encompassed by the rent roll, thus resulting in changes to the pro forma.

Get a commercial loan approval before looking at commercial property. Talk with business associates and friends to come up with a list of local lenders who are trustworthy. Research each lender, and choose one that you think can best help you prior to starting the process of buying commercial real estate. Taking any time needed to line up things properly can make the difference in loan qualification.

TIP! When you are getting a loan for your commercial property, make sure you obtain a good attorney that will explain all details to you. If something goes wrong with your real estate endeavors, you want to have the best person working on your behalf, to clear your name of any threat.

Full Service Broker

There isn?t just one type of broker for commercial real estate. Some agents will represent only the tenant while a full service broker will represent both parties. A tenant?s-only broker may serve your needs better than a full service broker.

Maintaining and cleaning commercial properties can be costly, but occasionally it is possible to save money. You?re only liable for cleanup costs if you had an ownership interest for the property in question. It can be incredibly expensive to dispose of waste that is not environmentally friendly. Get a report of the environment from a company that specializes in it. They might cost a bit more up front, but they can end up saving you much in the long run.

TIP! Arrange a number of fellow investors ranging from trusted family and friends to professional financers who can make sure you have access to cash flow prior to buying commercial property. When accepting loans from people you know, sign a contract just like you do when you accept a bank loan.

When choosing between two similar commercial properties, think large scale. Whether it be a twenty or ten unit apartment complex, you want to get adequate financing to back you up. Generally, it?s like buying in bulk; the more you buy, the less each unit is.

See how your considered firm measure its results. There are a number of details that will affect you critically, such as methods of negotiation, property selection criteria and the amount of space you need. Find out exactly how these sorts of considerations will be determined. You can benefit a lot if you know things like this.

If you are just getting started investing, focus on just one category of investments. You want to only choose one property type to give your undivided attention to. It is preferred to excel in one type instead of being mediocre in many types.

TIP! Check out where the utility hook-ups are on any commercial property. Every business requires certain utilities, most commonly things like water, sewage and electricity.

Practice calm and patience when you are looking into the real estate market. Don?t make any hasty investment decisions. You?ll regret it quickly if your lack of research results in a property without much re-sale value. You should be prepared to wait an entire year before a worthy investment becomes available to you.

If inspections are included in your real estate transaction, as they usually are, make a request to see the inspectors? credentials. Those who work in pest removal should be inspected closely, as they are often not accredited. This can help you avoid headaches after the sale.

Go as big as you can when you?re looking at a commercial real estate investment. The less units a building has, the easier it will be to lease them all out. You must get commercial financing for any commercial venture, whether 5 units or 50 or more. The more units you finance, the less cost per unit!

TIP! Take the neighborhood into account when purchasing commercial property. Expensive, luxury-oriented businesses will thrive in more affluent neighborhoods.

Square Footage

Make sure you are completely aware of the available square footage. The usable square feet is the measurement of where business will take place in commercial real estate. Total square footage can also be used, however, this encompasses all space including unusable space and walls. It?s important that you know both measurements for any property on your short list, as this will affect what you offer for the property.

Study up to learn the best ways of recognizing good deals and moving quickly to make the most of them. Real estate experts are able to know a solid investment immediately. They have their exit strategy already planned out, and therefore, they know when to quit a deal and when to stick it out. They also have an eye for repairs, are good at calculating risk, and they are good at knowing when their financial goals align with the properties in question.

TIP! When you are buying or selling commercial real estate, always negotiate. Make sure that you are heard and that you fight for a fair price for the property.

You now have a clear understanding of what it takes to work with commercial real estate. Remain flexible and continue to stay nimble as you make your way through the many steps leading to owning your own property. Your flexibility will help you to take advantage of opportunities most commercial investors completely miss, thus increasing your income from commercial investing.


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Our Country's Unfortunate Love Affair With Birth Control | Catholic ...

In the months leading up to the presidential election, the American bishops? conference clearly made a strong, tactical move. It is counterproductive in the present climate, they posited, to dwell on the questions concerning the liceity of contraceptive use, but far more productive to focus our energy on the crucial right to religious liberty for each citizen.

The bishops?insist:

?This is not about access to contraception, which is ubiquitous and inexpensive, even when it is not provided by the Church?s hand and with the Church?s funds;? [and] ?This is not about the Bishops? somehow ?banning contraception,? when the U.S. Supreme Court took that issue off the table two generations ago. Indeed, this is not about the Church wanting to force anybody to do anything; it is instead about the federal government forcing the Church ? consisting of its faithful and all but a few of its institutions ? to act against Church teachings.?

Every bishop concurred, with each Ordinary making a personal statement about that eroding liberty in response to the Obama administration?s threats. Media inquiries about the Church?s position on birth control were deftly redirected to the underlying right to live according to one?s conscience.

It is a prudent approach on many levels, since the electorate is certainly divided on the moral issues surrounding the topic, and there is no doubt that all of us will be affected if the state ever deems that some religious tenets are inimical to its goals. Indeed, we?re perilously close to that scenario now.

That said, I was profoundly sad to hear Governor Mitt Romney say the following in Tuesday?s presidential debate at Hofstra University:

?I just know that I don?t think bureaucrats in Washington should tell someone whether they can use contraceptives or not, and I don?t believe employers should tell someone whether they have contraceptive care or not. Every woman in America should have access to contraceptives and the president?s statement on my policy is completely and totally wrong.?

Does this signal the end of our nation as a moral force in the world? And is that question perhaps hysterical or overwrought?

The Person vs. the Individual?

America is no longer a Christian nation, despite its casual and occasional nod to the Judeo-Christian values. The preeminence of Biblical Christianity that flowed from its Protestant majority ? as well as its strong Catholic minority ? has waned over the years, so that at this juncture of history, each citizen is feted as the arbiter of his own world view. The question of personhood?and its requisite duties and obligations?has given way to the rights of the individual, and the good of the whole is no longer subject to debate beyond the questions of economic prosperity and bodily integrity.

A Marxist/Randian view has eclipsed a competing Catholic outlook, so that material considerations are paramount, and ?individuality? is privileged over personhood. Whether the state should control the individual or the individual should command the state is still debated, but neither side will submit to natural law or to a ?higher power??because each has agreed that only those things which can be quantified and stripped of moral judgments may be discussed in public.

To that end, both the socialist-leaning president and the free-market-leaning challenger fell over themselves to assure women that there would always be access to an item that has done more to contribute to our moral decline than anything else. For fifty years, the growing dependence on artificial means to separate sexual intimacy from fertility has likewise made it possible to separate sexual intimacy from marital exclusivity?shredding both families and the purity of our young in the process.

The Material Girl and Her Limits?

In 1968, Pope Paul VI wrote?Humanae Vitae, which included four prophecies. He said that widespread acceptance of contraception would lead to conjugal infidelity, the ?general lowering of morality,? the degradation of women who would become ?mere instruments of selfish enjoyment? for men instead of the cherished partners they were meant to be, and ultimately a massive imposition of contraception by unscrupulous governments. Could any predictions have been closer to the truth of our present generation?

Beyond the widespread degradation of the person in so many realms of the media, and the demise of the traditional family that all statistics reveal, we now have a government that wishes to step into the breach, expanding existing welfare programs, promising the unmarried as well as the married that they will always have access to birth control, and generally accommodating promiscuity as the new normal?as though a welfare state can make up for a healthy family.

Given that no one can ?impose? his personal religious views on another, and that morality must remain in the private sphere, how can we prevail on the culture to honor conjugal love without explaining that God?s plan for the person requires chastity and self-control? I do agree with the bishops that we must defend religious liberty so that we have the freedom to make this truth known, but such a rear guard action at this point?without making a strong and spirited defense of authentic conjugal love?may be too little and too late to influence family policies in the only way that will restore a healthy culture.

Governor Romney?s bold effort to secure ?the woman?s vote? in this way is not in anyone?s best interest. It is not going to help the economy which depends on strong families, and cannot restore the essential truth about personhood as the bedrock of any strong nation. Four more years of President Obama?s extremism in the name of false freedom combined with his war on religious liberty will shred what is left of the prophetic voice in our midst, but Governor Romney?s inability to make a moral case for the integrity of marital love will only put off the inevitable for a short while longer.

In the end, if we cannot defend the nature of our divine likeness under the present political construct, then the construct itself will collapse.


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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Three Characters Needed!

Hey guys, just created a new RPG and I need two characters in order to start posting. We need 2 male characters, and (possibly, if requested) 1 female. It's a pretty freelance RPG, featuring the Devil and his war on humans. If you request, I may need some Archangel characters. Check it out, and see what you think.



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The youth vote: Candidates still giving it the old college try (reuters)

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

In Syria's war, long-repressed minority finds new freedom

Of the changes triggered by Syria's 19-month-old uprising, few have been as sudden as the seeming empowerment of the country?s long-oppressed Kurdish minority.

In what was once the headquarters of Syria?s ruling Baath Party in the town of Afrin, a Kurdish-populated town of about 60,000 in northwest Syria (see map), the faces of hundreds of dead Kurdish men and women now line the walls. Many of the people whose pictures hang in the memorial center ? all natives of the town ? died under torture in the prisons of the regime that once occupied this same building.

But now Afrin and several other towns and cities running along Syria?s northern border are under the Kurdish governance of the Democratic Union Party, an armed political movement known by the acronym PYD. The green, red, and yellow colors of the Kurdish national flag festoon streets and buildings throughout town.

RELATED ? Think you know the Middle East? Take our quiz

Beneath the elation, however, simmers an argument over what role, if any, the Kurds should play in the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, whose troops pulled out of the Kurdish regions this summer, leaving the PYD in control.

Many Kurds doubt that the rebel movement seeking to overthrow President Assad will honor these freedoms.

?Until now, the Syrian National Council [an opposition political body] has not accepted Kurdish people,? says Mohammad Jernas, a member of the six-person council set up by the PYD to govern Afrin. ?They haven?t even drafted a constitution that would accept Kurdish people. Why should we fight for them? We are not ready to send our people to die for nothing.?


Spread across four countries and numbering about 30 million, Kurds have their own language and cultural traditions, and have long faced persecution in the nations where they form minorities: Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq.

In Syria, 20 percent of the country?s 2 million Kurds were stripped of citizenship rights in 1962, effectively banning them from owning property or marrying. But in April last year, Assad restored these rights in a bid to win Kurdish support in the early days of the uprising.

Many believe the PYD are now trying to pull off a feat similar to the Kurds of northern Iraq, who now enjoy extensive autonomy. Following the US invasion in 2003, they took control of their region and remained aloof from the sectarian fighting that gripped the rest of the country.

The rewards of the PYD?s neutrality were dramatically evident when the Monitor passed through the last checkpoint controlled by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) ? the main rebel grouping ? that marks the start of Kurdish territory.

While the preceding stretch of rebel-held road was littered with burnt-out tanks and shattered buildings, in Afrin there is no sign at all of Syria?s civil war. The FSA has agreed not to enter the Kurdish regions.

?We don?t want them here because the regime will bomb us and we don?t want Kurds to die,? says Mr. Jernas. His organization has several thousand fighters defending Afrin, and is training more, he adds.


The PYD?s assumption of power was unusually painless, prompting accusations of collusion with the Syrian regime.

Earlier this summer, the Syrian Army largely abandoned the Kurdish regions as fighting intensified in Damascus and Aleppo, leaving the guerrillas in de facto control.

Many within Syria?s opposition movement, including rival Kurdish political groupings, accuse the PYD of coordinating the handover of power with the regime ? something the PYD denies.

?The PYD is the representative of the regime in Kurdish areas,? says Faris Tammo, a leader of the Future Movement Party, another Kurdish political group, speaking in the Turkish city of Antakya. ?These are not free areas.?

The Monitor was accompanied by a PYD minder while in Afrin, and could not speak to people without his presence. However, Afrin residents interviewed both in Turkey and by telephone claimed that the PYD has responded with violence against those actively supporting the uprising.

?If you put up the flag of the revolution, they would arrest you,? says Runi, a 24-year-old commander of Selahattin al-Ayyubi, a mainly Kurdish brigade fighting with the FSA in Aleppo who is originally from Afrin.

Speaking in Antakya, he claims members of his brigade have been arrested and tortured by the PYD when returning to see their families in the town.

He believes the guerrillas are hostile because they feel increasingly insecure in their hold over the population. ?They don?t want any Kurds to have military forces apart from them," Runi says.

?There is growing tension in Afrin,? said another resident contacted by telephone, 25-year-old Kawa. ?People are separated between those who support the revolution, and those who support the PYD.?

?Probably there will be fighting between the FSA and the PYD,? says Runi. Both interviewees spoke under false names, citing fears of retaliation.


The FSA rebels are not the only potential enemies. Ankara has also expressed deep alarm at the PYD?s rise, mainly because of the group?s close links to the Kurdistan Workers Party, better known by its Kurdish acronym, the PKK.

The PKK has been fighting a three-decade insurgency in Turkey for greater Kurdish autonomy and is designated a terrorist organization by the United States and European Union.

"It is out of the question for us to tolerate a structure of the terrorist organization in northern Syria and permit the presence of a threat to Turkey there," said Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in July.

If northern Syria becomes a launching pad for Kurdish assaults into Turkey, it would give Turkey "cause to intervene militarily in Syria," Mr. Erdogan later warned.

Senior Turkish officials described the PYD takeover as a "provocation" designed by the Assad regime to punish Turkey for its support of Syria?s opposition movement.

While both the PKK and PYD have tried to play down their connections, in Afrin they are hard to miss. Decorating the walls of every new government office visited by the Monitor were photos of the PKK?s imprisoned leader and founder, Abdullah Ocalan. And nowhere were the connections more apparent than in the martyrs' memorial center. Next to each photograph was a text explaining where and when each person had died; the majority were killed fighting in Turkey.

?We are Kurds, so we have a lot of martyrs there,? said Hekmet Hebo, head of what is now the Institute for Martyrs? Families. Like others whom the Monitor spoke to in Afrin, he doubts that the tense peace holding here will last: ?We are protecting our borders and are ready for any scenario.?

RELATED ? Think you know the Middle East? Take our quiz

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Canada vaguely hints it'll block Huawei from government projects, citing security concerns

Canada mulls blocking Huawei from government projects citing security concerns

After the hammering Huawei received from the US Congress, it was probably hoping to catch a break north of the border. Unfortunately for Huawei, Canada's government has obtusely hinted that it, too, would block the company from bidding to build its new secure network. Andrew MacDougall said that it would use national security provisions to avoid international trade laws, and when asked directly about the Chinese company, was quoted as saying "I'll leave it to you if you think... Huawei should be a part of a Canadian government security system." However, the telecoms business thinks it can get around the rule, because it has a locally incorporated subsidiary -- but given that even the house committee chairman is lobbying against it, we wouldn't be getting our hopes up.

[Original image credit: The Canadian Press / Sean Kilpatrick]

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Canada vaguely hints it'll block Huawei from government projects, citing security concerns originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 10 Oct 2012 12:47:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Jerry Sandusky sentenced to at least 30 years

Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, center, arrives for sentencing at the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa., Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012. Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012. Sandusky was convicted of sexually abusing 10 boys in a scandal that rocked the university and brought down Hall of Fame coach Joe Paterno. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, center, arrives for sentencing at the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa., Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012. Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012. Sandusky was convicted of sexually abusing 10 boys in a scandal that rocked the university and brought down Hall of Fame coach Joe Paterno. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky arrives at the Centre County Courthouse for a sentencing hearing Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012, in Bellefonte, Pa. Sandusky was convicted of sexually abusing 10 boys in a scandal that rocked the university and brought down Hall of Fame coach Joe Paterno. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky arrives for sentencing on child sex abuse charges at the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa., Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky arrives for sentencing at the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa., Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012. Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, left, arrives for sentencing on child sex abuse charges at the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa., Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012. Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012. Sandusky was convicted of sexually abusing 10 boys in a scandal that rocked the university and brought down Hall of Fame coach Joe Paterno. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

(AP) ? Jerry Sandusky, maintaining his innocence, was sentenced Tuesday to at least 30 years in prison ? effectively a life sentence ? in the child sexual abuse scandal that brought shame to Penn State and led to coach Joe Paterno's downfall.

A defiant Sandusky gave a rambling statement in which he denied the allegations and talked about his life in prison and the pain of being away from his family.

"I've forgiven, I've been forgiven. I've comforted others, I've been comforted. I've been kissed by dogs, I've been bit by dogs," he said. "I've conformed, I've also been different. I've been me. I've been loved, I've been hated."

Three victims spoke, often fighting back tears. One looked Sandusky in the eyes at times. Two of the men exchanged a long embrace after court was adjourned.

The 68-year-old former Penn State assistant coach was found guilty in June of 45 counts of child sexual abuse, convicted of molesting 10 boys over a 15-year period. Witnesses said Sandusky used the charitable organization he founded for troubled children as his personal hunting ground to find and groom boys to become his victims.

Judge John Cleland handed down a 30- to 60-year term. He called Sandusky dangerous, saying he betrayed children and abused their trust.

Sandusky's arrest 11 months ago, and the details that came out during his trial over the summer, transformed Sandusky's public image from a college coach who had been widely admired for his work with The Second Mile charity into that of a reviled pervert who preyed on the very youngsters who sought his help.

Eight of the boys he was found guilty of molesting testified at his trial, describing a range of abuse that included fondling, oral sex and anal intercourse. One of the prosecution's star witnesses, former graduate assistant Mike McQueary, testified that he saw Sandusky raping a boy in a locker room shower.

Sandusky has consistently maintained his innocence and plans to appeal. One element of the appeal is expected to be a claim that the defense did not have time to adequately prepare for trial. Sandusky was charged in November, following a lengthy investigation.

Sandusky said he knows in his heart that he did not do what he called "disgusting acts," repeating a comment he made in a three-minute monologue that aired Monday night by Penn State Com Radio. In the radio recording, Sandusky described himself as the victim of a coordinated conspiracy among Penn State, investigators, civil attorneys, the media and others.

His statement in court lasted 15 minutes and his voice cracked as he spoke of missing his loved ones.

"I speak today with hope in my heart for a brighter day, not knowing if that day will come," Sandusky said. "Many moments have been spent looking for a purpose. Maybe it will help others, some vulnerable children who might have been abused, might not be, as a result of the publicity."

His statement also included numerous sports references: He said he once told his wife "we're definitely in the fourth quarter" and he referenced the movie "Seabiscuit."

He also spoke of instances in which he said he helped children.

Among the three victims who spoke Tuesday, a young man who said he was 11 when Sandusky groped him in a shower in 1998. He said Sandusky is in denial and should "stop coming up with excuses."

"I've been left with deep painful wounds that you caused and had been buried in the garden of my heart for many years," he said.

Another man said he was 13 when, in 2001, Sandusky lured him into a Penn State sauna and then a shower and then forced him to touch the ex-coach.

"I am troubled with flashbacks of his naked body, something that will never be erased from my memory," he said. "Jerry has harmed children, of which I am one of them."

Before sentencing, Judge Cleland designated Sandusky as a sexually violent predator under the state's Megan's Law. The label essentially has no effect on Sandusky, since its requirement is lifetime registration after a convict is released from prison. Sandusky won't be released on parole before the minimum 30-year term is up.

"The tragedy of this crime is that it's a story of betrayal. The most obvious aspect is your betrayal of 10 children," Cleland told Sandusky. "I'm not going to sentence you to centuries in prison, although the law will permit that." Still, Cleland said, he expected Sandusky to die in prison.

In sentencing the ex-coach, Cleland called Sandusky dangerous, saying, "You abused the trust of those who trusted you." He also called Sandusky's comments in the radio statement about a conspiracy against him "unbelievable."

The scandal brought devastation in State College that will take years to fully assess, as Sandusky's victims are pressing civil claims and a January trial is pending for Gary Schultz and Tim Curley, two university administrators charged with failing to properly report suspicions about Sandusky and lying to the grand jury that investigated him.

Soon after the three were arrested in November, the board of trustees fired Paterno, the school's most famous figure and a man who won two national college football championships in the 1980s. Paterno died of lung cancer in January.

Over the summer, an investigation commissioned by the university and led by former FBI Director Louis Freeh concluded that Paterno and other top officials covered up allegations against Sandusky for years to avoid bad publicity.

The scandal also toppled university President Graham Spanier and led to crippling NCAA sanctions against the football team that included a $60 million fine, a ban on postseason play and a reduction in the number of football scholarships the school can award. The NCAA also erased 14 years of victories for Paterno, stripping him of his standing as major college football's winningest coach.

At least four young men have sued Penn State over the way the university responded to disturbing complaints about Sandusky.

Eight legal teams representing at least 20 young men have surfaced, and the school recently announced an effort to settle as many claims as possible by the end of the year. Several plaintiffs' lawyers were in the courtroom.

Penn State President Rodney Erickson released a statement shortly after the sentence was handed down.

"Our thoughts today, as they have been for the last year, go out to the victims of Jerry Sandusky's abuse," Erickson said. "While today's sentence cannot erase what has happened, hopefully it will provide comfort to those affected by these horrible events."

The third victim who spoke had testified that he was raped over the course of years by Sandusky, including on team trips to bowl games in Texas and Florida.

"I want you to know I don't forgive you and I don't know if I will ever forgive you," he said. "My only regret is that I didn't come forward sooner."

Associated Press


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Romney casts Obama's foreign policy as weak, dangerous

LEXINGTON, Virginia (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney delivered a sweeping critique on Monday of President Barack Obama's handling of threats in the Middle East, saying Obama's lack of leadership had made the volatile region more dangerous.

In what his campaign called a major foreign policy address, Romney called for a more assertive use of American influence in the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Romney, speaking before the white-uniformed cadets at Virginia Military Institute, questioned Obama's handling of the episode in Libya last month in which U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed after the U.S. consulate in Benghazi came under militant attack.

The former Massachusetts governor also accused Obama of failing to use U.S. diplomacy to shape events in Iran, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Russia and elsewhere.

"The president is fond of saying that, 'The tide of war is receding,'" Romney said. "And I want to believe him as much as anyone. But when we look at the Middle East today ... it is clear that the risk of conflict in the region is higher now than when the president took office."

Romney's speech was short on specifics, but in broad terms he laid out his national security priorities before the second of his three debates with Obama, which will be at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York on October 16 and will include discussion of foreign policy.

Romney's aim on Monday was to portray himself as having the presidential stature needed for the world stage. He had a similar goal during a trip overseas in July, but that was marred by a series of missteps, including his inadvertent insult of the organizers of the London Olympics.

In calling for a more forceful foreign policy, Romney indicated that he would not rush into armed conflict.

But he accused Obama of a hasty troop withdrawal from Iraq, saying hard-fought gains there are being eroded by rising violence and a resurgent al Qaeda. Obama considers his withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq the fulfillment of a 2008 campaign promise, sought by Americans weary of war.

Romney also said he might not be so quick to pull troops out of the unpopular war in Afghanistan. Obama has pledged to end the U.S. combat role in Afghanistan by the end of 2014 as part of NATO's plan to hand over security responsibility to Afghan forces.

Romney said he would pursue a transition to Afghan security forces by that time but would evaluate conditions there before making a final decision to pull out.

Obama was right to order the mission that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden last year, Romney said, but he charged that other elements of the president's strategy for the region were weak or ill-advised. Romney pointed to the extensive U.S. reliance on attacks by drone aircraft as "no substitute for a national security strategy for the Middle East."

Romney, who accused Obama of pursuing a strategy of "passivity" rather than partnership with U.S. allies, is running just behind or even with his Democratic rival in most opinion polls, which have gotten closer since Romney did well in their first debate last week.

Reuters/Ipsos tracking polls indicate that more Americans favor Obama on foreign policy issues.

The latest data, collected through Sunday, indicate that 40 percent of likely voters believe Obama has a better plan for combating terrorism, compared with 31.5 percent for Romney. In dealing with Iran, 35.4 percent of likely voters favored Obama; 30.9 percent backed Romney.


Obama's campaign portrayed Romney's speech as the latest in a series of failed attempts by the Republican to look like a statesman on foreign policy.

Obama aides cast Romney as unfit to be commander-in-chief because of his gaffe-filled overseas trip in July and his much-criticized immediate reaction to the Libyan attack. Romney blasted Obama's actions before it was clear that Stevens had been killed in Benghazi and was accused of injecting politics into a national tragedy.

"This is somebody who leads with chest-pounding rhetoric," Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki said of Romney. "He has been clumsy in his handling of foreign policy."

Romney promised that if elected on November 6, he would vigorously pursue those responsible for the Libyan attack, as Obama has vowed to do.

During his speech, Romney pledged to tighten sanctions on Iran and deploy warships in the region to press Tehran to give up a nuclear program the West believes is aimed at producing atomic bombs.

Obama's campaign, and many foreign policy analysts, have said the sanctions on Iran have crippled Iran's economy. The sanctions include a European Union oil embargo and U.S. Treasury restrictions on oil-related transactions with the country's central bank. Along with Iran's own economic mismanagement, they are believed to be behind a one-third drop in the value of the Iranian currency in the last 10 days.

Romney also said he would increase military assistance and coordination with Israel, which has threatened a pre-emptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities.

Romney pledged that his administration would work to find elements of the Syrian opposition who share U.S. values and ensure they obtain weapons needed to defeat President Bashir al-Assad's forces. Syrian rebels have accused the United States and Western allies of sitting on the sidelines of the conflict.

"Iran is sending arms to Assad because they know his downfall would be a strategic defeat for them," Romney said. "We should be working no less vigorously with our international partners to support the many Syrians who would deliver that defeat to Iran - rather than sitting on the sidelines."

Psaki, the Obama campaign spokeswoman, noted that Romney's foreign policy team includes several former advisers to George W. Bush, Obama's predecessor and the architect of the unpopular war in Iraq.

Romney has "surrounded himself with a number of people who were advisers to past President Bush, people who have used saber-rattling rhetoric when it comes to Syria and Iran," Psaki said. "That's something ... we think the American people should take a look at."

(Additional reporting by Jeff Mason aboard Air Force One and Roberta Rampton; Editing by David Lindsey, Christopher Wilson and Cynthia Osterman)


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PST: Another great clasico from Barca and Real

Man of the match: It?s hard to separate the match?s two biggest stars, each posting braces, but Cristiano Ronaldo got his goals on the road, helping his team to a valuable point at their arch rivals.

In the 23rd minute, Ronaldo blasted a left-footed shot into the small, near-post window he was generously given at Victor Valdes, staking Real and early lead. Then, with his team down 2-1 in the second half, a burst from the left wing sent him past Martin Mont0ya and behind Barcelona?s defense, where he put a Mesut ?zil pass behind Victor Valdes for the point-winning goal.

Packaged for takeaway:

  • Real Madrid played as well as they have at the Nou Camp during the post-Frank Rijkaard era. They were clearly the better side for over the first half hour. Although Barcelona was still controlling the ball, the decisiveness of Real?s play left the Catalans looking less confident than normal.
  • And perhaps they had reason to worry, given who Tito Vilanova was forced to start at the back. Carles Puyol was out. So was Gerard Piqu?, which make the decision to start Alex Song on the bench even more surprising. Instead, Vilanova dropped Sergio Busquets into central defense to play along side Javier Mascherano.
  • Well, kinda. In the defensive phase, Busquets would drop into a back four. In transition and attack, Barcelona?s normal defensive midfielder was playing in front of the line, even?occasionally?venturing into attack. When Barcelona scored their equalizer in the 31st minute, it was Busquets? presence in the box that helped create chaos.
  • By the second half, Busquets was staying out of the defense. Adriano (on the left) and Montoya (right) were flanking Mascherano in a back three.
  • Its hard to say whether Barcelona?s defensive tactics contributed to the first goal. Daniel Alves (who started at right back but quickly came off) was playing far more narrow than we?re used to seeing him, perhaps trying to maintain a narrow back three until Busquets made up the numbers. Alves came into the middle to help on Karim Benzema, leaving Ronaldo alone after Benzema fed a ball into the left of the box.
  • Real?s second goal could have also been a product of the makeshift defense. Was Montoya?s slow reaction and Mascherano?s inability to cover a product of the ad hoc tactics?
  • When you dominate possession, you can take more chances in defense. The opposition?s going to have less time to exploit you. Today, Real Madrid only had 30 percent of the ball.
  • That would have ben enough if Jos? Mourinho?s team was executing their counters with their usual efficiency. Something was off today, though. They lacked their usual sharpness. None of their attackers were getting the ball in dangerous spots. ?ngel Di Mar?a had a very quiet day.
  • Benzema, however, did not. Real?s No. 9 had two very good chances in the first half, one of which went off the post. Given Real?s strong start and Benzema;s opportunities,?Los Merengues should have been up two when Messi equalized.
  • That equalizer came in the 31st minute, when poor defending on a Pedro Rodr?guez cross left Lionel Messi with an easy finish from inside the six-yard box. The most notable gaff: Pepe elevating only to lose his balance and fall to the ground as the deflected cross dropped right to Messi.
  • Early in the second half, Messi completed Barcelona?s turnaround, drawing a foul just above the arc before beating Iker Casillas with a beautiful dipping shot.
  • The culprit on the play was Xabi Alonso, who never seems to have an impact in these matches. His lunging tackle on Messi was always destined to draw a whistle.
  • Alonso lacks the foot speed to keep up with Messi and Andres Iniesta (who had a great game, also). In the game for his passing, Alonso?s only contributions seem to be bad fouls and yellow cards. Mourinho would have been better served by Michael Essien or Luka Modric.
  • Even though Ronaldo would find an equalizer, Barcelona controlled the second half. They were finally able to bring Messi into the match, building trough him throughout the match?s final 35 minutes. This led to numerous chances where Messi?s dribbling would push back the defense before he played it left to Iniesta, who would then go wide to Jordi Alba?(playing as a left winger) for try to hit a runner through Real?s line.
  • After bringing Essien on for Di Mar?a late, Real?s defense was able to hold out, the big moment of danger coming when Pedro tested the cross bar.
  • Overall it was a great Clasico, with only a late winner keeping it from being one of the series? best.
  • As it concerns the standings, the draw may serve Barcelona well, having carried an eight-point lead on Real Madrid into this match. With only seven rounds gone, however, it?s too early to tell the significance of Bar?a?s lead. If Real Madrid wins at the Bernabeu, today?s result will look like points lost.


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Ivy and Missy ? Humane Society Pets of the Week!

This morning I woke up to my cat chattering at the window. It might have been a bird or a squirrel that she was looking at, but whatever she saw, she was pretty excited about it. I?ve done a lot of research on what emotions cats feel, and excitement is one of them. They also have a lot of other emotions that humans feel, such as affection for other animals and their humans, pain, fear, anxiety, and depression among other emotions. Whether or not our pets ?love? us the way that we feel love for?them is up for debate, but when it comes to dogs, I have no doubt that they love their owners. Pets also enrich our lives and make a great addition to our households. Some pets don?t have a home to express their feelings in, and that?s where you come in.

The Humane Society shelters pets, gets them the care they need, gives them the love they?re craving, and does their best to place them in permanent homes. Whether you?re looking for an lazy dog who prefers a quiet walk to play, or a cat who chases toys, chances are the Humane Society will have your perfect match.

May I present our pets of the week. If you?d like to see them in person or get more information on these pets or any other pets that the Humane Society has, check them out online here or call 940-855-4941. They?re located at 4360 Old Iowa Park Road in Wichita Falls.



Humane Society of Wichita County



Ivy is a young,?female, short haired domestic mix. She?s had some damage to one of her eyes, yet she still seems to see fine. She had a rough start early on, but that hasn?t stopped her from being a sociable kitty and she?s really friendly.?She?s?up-to-date on shots, microchipped, and dewormed. She?d really love a home that she can stay in for the long haul, so stop by to meet her!


Humane Society of Wichita County



Missy?is a small, adult Chihuahua. She?s always happy and wagging her tail, and the staff describes her as a sweetheart.?She?s spayed, heartworm tested and on preventative, up-to-date on shots, dewormed, and microchipped. Missy?is ready to take over your heart and your home, so stop in to meet her now!



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